

The Class of 2008 

That's my sister, the pensive looking one, at her high school graduation. She leaves for college on Sunday. I would like to think I've paved the way... But even with college our polarities shine through. She's already packed. I habitually opt for a more last minute approach, like jamming things into my life-for-three-months suitcase four hours before my plane left for London. She's already met her roommate and didn't experience the panic/fear of the first phone call across the country only to be hung up on before I could ask who should bring the microwave. All her books have been ordered at discount prices online, that's just a hundred times smarter than I was, lugging my pre-packed sticker price box of books back to the dorm and my first plunge into bookstore account debt. Maybe, the pure act of doing everything the exact opposite of me is a result of me doing it all first. But really, it's not at all about me, I'm going to give it up. I just hope she remembers liquor before beer you're in the clear. 

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